Superhero mod server?

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Superhero mod server?

Post by _Kid- » Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:14 pm

I'm going to create a superhero mod server just to test it out and make sure all the super heroes are working properly without crashing the server or something. I'm going to attempt to put an even amount of super heroes on it and get a good leveling up system going so everything is fair. let me know if you guys are interested in helping me out with some ideas of super heroes and maybe a map list? I was hoping if i get it all working properly, Sammy would think about making a -[.40 cal ]- superhero mod server if i shared all my settings ;) 8-)

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Re: Superhero mod server?

Post by Dust » Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:33 pm

I'd love this! I used to enjoy it very much. Good luck!

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Re: Superhero mod server?

Post by _Kid- » Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:43 pm

Dust wrote:I'd love this! I used to enjoy it very much. Good luck!
Thanks man! I'm just trying to get everything together now and create a super hero list and get the amxmod all set up and everything. i will post the hero list once i get them all and i will be willing to take suggestions as they come

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Re: Superhero mod server?

Post by LumBerJacK » Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:51 pm

nice man id like to play superhero mod too this mod is amazing

LumBerJacK :D

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Re: Superhero mod server?

Post by _Kid- » Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:14 pm

Status Update: well i finally got the server up and running and in working condition with amx mod and meta mod working properly. tomorrow i will be trying to add in the super hero mod and adding in the maps. probably the maps first and then the super hero mod for the obvious reason of constantly backing up my files incase i mess something up. most of them will be the same map list of what we have in the .40 cal Wc3 server give or take a few. SO FAR SO GOOD GUYS :D I'll post the hero list, map list and server IP address as soon as i get a good foundation going.

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Re: Superhero mod server?

Post by _Kid- » Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:20 pm

here's a list of the basic 20 superheroes and what they do and how they can be adjusted. I think theres another 30 to choose from that i can add. I just got the 20 all tested out and they all work. I'll look around for more and post those and see what you guys think about keeping/dropping any.

anubis_level 1
anibus_showdamage 1 //(0|1) - hide|show bullet damage..
anibus_showchat 1 //(0|1) - hide|show ghostchat messages..

aquaman_level 1
aquaman_armorcost 0 //How much armor each bubble thrower blast uses
aquaman_numbubbles 7 //How many giant killer bubbles
aquaman_bubbledamage 10 //How much damage each bubble does

batman_level 2
batman_health 125 //Starting Health
batman_armor 125 //Starting Armor

bomberman_level 5
bomberman_cooldown 5 //Cooldown time from bomb explostion until new planting
bomberman_xpbased 0 //Does he get more bombs each level (def=0)
bomberman_bombs 1 //How Many Bombs does he start with (def=1)
bomberman_bpl 1 //How Many More Bombs Does he get each level (def=1)
bomberman_radius 400 //Radius of damage (def=400)
bomberman_maxdamage 100 //Maximum Damage to deal (def=100)

//Captain America
captaina_level 7
captaina_pctperlev 0.02 //Percentage that factors into godmode randomness
captaina_godsecs 1 //# of seconds of god mode

cyclops_level 5
cyclops_laser_ammo 20 //total # of shots given each round
cyclops_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
cyclops_cooldown 0.20 //Cooldown timer between shots
cyclops_multishot 0.20 //Delay for multishots on holding key down

daredevil_level 5
daredevil_radius 600 //Radius of the rings
daredevil_bright 192 //How bright to make the rings

dazzler_level 2
dazzler_radius 3000 //radius of people affected
dazzler_cooldown 15 //# of seconds before Dazzler can flash

dracula_level 2
dracula_pctperlev 0.03 //What percent of damage to give back per level of player

flash_level 5
flash_speed 350 //the speed Flash can run

//Hob Goblin
goblin_level 6
goblin_grenademult 1.5 //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount
goblin_grenadetimer 10 //How many second delay for new grenade

hulk_level 2
hulk_radius 1800 //Radius of people affected
hulk_cooldown 7 //# of seconds before Hulk can ReStun
hulk_stuntime 3 //# of seconds Hulk Stuns Everybody
hulk_stunspeed 70 //Speed of stunned players

//Human Torch
htorch_level 5
htorch_armorcost 15 //How much amour each flame uses
htorch_numburns 5 //How many time to burn the victim
htorch_burndamage 10 //How much damage each burn does

//Iron Man
ironman_level 5
ironman_timer 0.1 //How often (seconds) to run the loop
ironman_thrust 125 //The upward boost every loop
ironman_maxspeed 400 //Max x and y speeds (while in air)
ironman_xymult 1.05 //Multiplies the current x,y vector when moving
ironman_armorfuel 1 //Uses armor as fuel
ironman_fuelcost 1 //How much armor does it cost per firing
ironman_armor 100 //How much armor does ironman start with?

kamikaze_level 9
kamikaze_radius 300 //Radius of people affected by blast
kamikaze_fuse 15 //# of seconds before kamikaze blows Up
kamikaze_maxdamage 125 //Maximum damage to deal to a player

magneto_level 10
magneto_cooldown 45 //Time delay bewtween automatic uses
magneto_boost 125 //How much of an upward throw to give weapons
magneto_giveglock 1 //Give the poor victim a glock?

mystique_level 6
mystique_cooldown 0 //Cooldown time between morphs
mystique_maxtime 0 //Max time you can be morphed
mystique_toggle 1 //Should the key be a toggle or do they need to hold it down

//Night Crawler
nightc_level 6
nightc_cooldown 30 //# of seconds before NightCrawler can NoClip Again
nightc_cliptime 6 //# of seconds NightCrawler has in noclip mode.

punisher_level 4
punisher_dropwpn 0 //Should clinet be forced to drop thier weapon?

skeletor_level 7
skeletor_cooldown 20 // # of seconds for skeletor cooldown
skeletor_camptime 10 // # of seconds player considered camping w/o x/y movement
skeletor_movedist 10 // minimum amount of dist player has to move b4 considered not camping

spiderman_level 1
spiderman_moveacc 140 //How quickly he can move while on the hook
spiderman_reelspeed 400 //How fast hook line reels in
spiderman_hookstyle 2 //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl)
spiderman_teamcolored 1 //1=teamcolored web lines 0=white web lines
spiderman_maxhooks -1 //Max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount)

superman_level 5
superman_gravity 0.35 //Gravity
superman_health 150 //Starting health
superman_armor 150 //STarting armor

windwalker_level 6

wolv_level 2
wolv_healpoints 3 //The # of HP healed per second
wolv_knifespeed 290 //Speed of wolveine in knife mode
wolv_knifemult 1.35 //Multiplier for knife damage

xavier_level 7
xavier_traillength 25 //Length of trail behind players
xavier_showteam 0 //Show trails on your team
xavier_showenemy 1 //Show trails on enemies
xavier_refreshtimer 5.0 //How often do the trails refresh

zeus_level 9
zeus_cooldown 600 // # of seconds for zeus cooldown

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Re: Superhero mod server?

Post by _Kid- » Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:24 pm

Map List:


tell me if i should add/subtract any from that list

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Re: Superhero mod server?

Post by _Kid- » Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:27 pm

once i get all of the heroes together and maps and amxmod pluggins going ill drop the $30 to start up a REAL server but for now I'm the only one that can join via lan.

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Re: Superhero mod server?

Post by Darkness » Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:51 am

Agent Zero - No recoil
Alien - Get Alien Vision and Invisibility when using Knife
Gohan - Start with more HP, gain even more each second. Also, has Ultra Speed and Low Gravity
Phoenix - As the Phoenix you shall Rise Again from your Burning Ashes
Chucky - Each round will revive + 1 times get bloody knife that has higher damage and faster to move him
Blink - Teleports you where you're heading
Batgirl - Fast attraction to the walls of a strong rope.
Beast - HP, AP, speed and gravity
Grandmaster - Each round will wake up one player from your team
Goku - It generates energy KI (Armor), through which they receive their Super Saiyan forms. With each coming in the form of stronger-power and the capability to increase HP and speed.
Penguin - Throw grenades attached to penguins who find themselves the enemy. It also restores grenades.

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Re: Superhero mod server?

Post by _Kid- » Mon Nov 23, 2015 3:12 pm

Here are a few more i found. i think if we added any more than this it will start to create problems. Im not keeping some of these (like cola lover, darth maul, and agent) theyre just wayy to beastly and i dont want new commers to get wrecked as soon as they join and quit. im also going to make the super heroes that give you life limited to two or three so poeple dont have 1000hp and 1000ap and just be rediculously hard to kill eachother. Its coming together though and soon it WILL be up and running and ill supply the IP to you guys and hope it catches on!

agent_level 4
agent_cooldown 10 //# of seconds before Agent can teleport again.
agent_teleportnum 3 //# of times Agent can teleport in a round
agent_spawndelay 15 //# of seconds player must wait at new round before teleporting

batgirl_level 9
batgirl_moveacc 650 //default 650
batgirl_reelspeed 1000 //default 1000
batgirl_hookstyle 3 //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel, 3=cheap kids real
batgirl_hooksky 0 //0=no sky hooking 1=sky hooking allowed
batgirl_teamcolored 1 //1=teamcolored zip lines 0=white zip lines
batgirl_maxhooks -1 //max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount)

beast_level 0
beast_gravity 0.40 //Gravity
beast_health 175 //Starting Health
beast_armor 200 //Starting Armor
beast_speed 375 //Running Speed

//Demolition Man
demoman_level 6
demoman_radius 300 // radius of blast
demoman_maxdamage 125 // max damage a mine can cause
demoman_maxmines 2 // max ammount of mines that can be placed at once
demoman_minehealth 80 // health of mines (determines how many shots blow them up)

//Invisible Man
invisman_level 0
invisman_alpha 50 //Alpha level when invisible. 0 = invisible, 255 = full visibility.
invisman_delay 5 //Time a player must be still to become invisible
invisman_checkmove 1 //Should movement be checked, or only shooting? 0 = only check shooting

morpheus_level 8
morpheus_gravity 0.35 //Gravity Morpheus has
morpheus_mp5mult 2.0 //Damage multiplyer for his MP5

//Neo Reloaded
neor_level 9
neor_slowmotime 10 //Slow motion time in seconds
neor_cooldown 40 //Cooldown time in seconds
neor_dodge 40 //Chance out of 100 a bullet will be stopped
neor_radius 100 //Bullets stopped at this radius
neor_speed 100 //Speed of neo during slow motion
neor_bulletspeed 475 //Speed of neos bullet during slow motion
neor_nospeed 75 //Speed of non-neos during slow motion
neor_nobulletspeed 450 //Speed of non-neos bullet during slow motion

rambo_level 10
rambo_health 125 //Health
rambo_armor 150 //Armor
rambo_m249mult 1.5 //Damage multiplier for PARA M249

riddick_level 0
riddick_healpoints 5 //The # of HP healed per second
riddick_knifespeed 340 //Speed of riddick in knife mode
riddick_knifemult 1.8 //Multiplier for knife damage

bass_level 10
bass_health 200 //Default 200
bass_armor 200 //Default 200
bass_speed 200 //Default 200
bass_gravity 0.40 //Default 0.40
bass_laser_ammo 1000 //total # of shots given each round, -1 is unlimited (Default 1000)
bass_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
bass_cooldown 0.0 //Cooldown timer between laser use
bass_multishot 0.1 //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.1)

chucky_level 10
chucky_cooldown 600 // ammount of time before next available respawn
chucky_knifemult 2.5 // ammount mutiplied to damage when knifing
chucky_knifespeed 720 // user speed when knife is out

//Darth Maul
darth_level 6
darth_healpoints 10 // the #of HP healed per second
darth_knifespeed 400 // speed of Darth Maul in knife mode
darth_knifemult 2.70 // multiplier for knife damage...

gohan_level 10
gohan_health 150 //default 150
gohan_gravity 0.40 //default 0.40 = low gravity
gohan_speed 800 //How fast he is with all weapons
gohan_healpoints 10 //The # of HP healed per second
gohan_healmax 400 //Max # HP gohan can heal to

goten_level 6
goten_health 400 //Default HP 400
goten_armor 100 //Default AP 100
goten_cooldown 30 //Cooldown timer between shots in seconds
goten_maxdamage 75 //Max Damage from blast
goten_radius 100 //Radius of blast
goten_blast_decals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls

madness_level 9
madness_health 200 //how much health madness has
madness_armor 100 //how much armor madness has
madness_m3mult 2.0 //Damage multiplyer for his M3

//Master Chief
masterchief_level 0
masterchief_health 100 //Default 100 (no extra health)
masterchief_armor 150 //Default 150
masterchief_gravity 1.0 //Default 1.0 = no extra gravity (0.50 is 50% normal gravity, ect.)
masterchief_speed -1 //Default -1 = no extra speed, this cvar is for all weapons (for faster then normal speed set to 261 or higher)
masterchief_p90mult 1.3 //Damage multiplyer for his P90
masterchief_teamglow 0 //Glow Team Color when player skin in use (0=no 1=yes)

//Poison Ivy
poisonivy_level 0
poisonivy_damage 1 //Damage per second from infection
poisonivy_cooldown 0.0 //Seconds before you can infect another player
poisonivy_xpbased 0 //Do they cause more damage each xp level, 0=no 1=yes (def=0)
poisonivy_dpl 1 //Amount of additonal damage per level
poisonivy_maxdpl 0 //Maximum possible damage amount if xpbased (0=no max set)
poisonivy_self 1 //Can users with Poison Ivy be infected, 0=no 1=yes

sonic_level 0
sonic_gravity 0.40 //default 0.40 = lower gravity
sonic_armor 170 //default 170
sonic_health 170 //default 170
sonic_speed 510 //how fast he runs

supergirl_level 0
supergirl_health 150 //Default Health 150
supergirl_armor 150 //Default Armor 150
supergirl_toggle 0 //(def 0=no, key must be held down to fly) (1=yes, toggle flying)
supergirl_flybeforeftime 0 //Fly before freezetime is over, 0=no 1=yes (def=0)
supergirl_flyspeed 300 //Velocity of flying (def=300)

//Vash the Stampede
vash_level 4
vash_deaglemult 2.5 //Damage multiplyer for his Deagle
vash_gravity 1.0 //Default 1.0 = normal gravity (0.50 is 50% of normal gravity, ect.)

yoda_level 9
yoda_cooldown 10 //Time in seconds until yoda can push again
yoda_radius 400 //How close does enemy have to be in order to push them (def=400)
yoda_power 600 //Force of the push, velocity multiplier (def=600)
yoda_damage 10 //Amount of damage a push does to an enemy (def=10)
yoda_selfdmg 0 //Amount of damage using push does to self (def=0)

gambit_level 0
gambit_grenademult 60.9 //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount (def 60.9)
gambit_grenadetimer 30.0 //How many seconds delay for new grenade after nade is thrown (def 30.0)
gambit_cooldown 120.0 //How many seconds until extra grenade damage can be used again (def 120.0)

goku_level 10
goku_aps 5 //The amount of AP gained per second (Default 5)
goku_apl 250 //AP amount multiplied by ssjlevel = AP required for each ssjlevel and cost of ssjlevel power use (Default 250)
goku_hpl 30 //HP amount multiplied by ssjlevel, ex. 30*ssj2 = +60HP (Default 30)
goku_hpmax 500 //Max HP that can be gained (Default 500)
goku_speedbase 300 //Initial Speed boost for ssjlevel 1, only sets if you are slower (Default 300)
goku_speedadd 25 //Speed added to goku_speedbase every next ssjlevel (Default 25)
goku_damage1 70 //Max Damage for ssjlevel 1 power (Default 70)
goku_damage2 100 //Max Damage for ssjlevel 2 power (Default 100)
goku_damage3 175 //Max Damage for ssjlevel 3 power (Default 175)
goku_damage4 300 //Max Damage for ssjlevel 4 power (Default 300)
goku_radius1 100 //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 1 power (Default 100)
goku_radius2 300 //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 2 power (Default 300)
goku_radius3 700 //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 3 power (Default 700)
goku_radius4 1500 //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 4 power (Default 1500)
goku_blast_decals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls (0-no 1-yes)

//Super Saiyan Gohan
ssjgohan_level 9
ssjgohan_damage 125 //Damage spread over radius of blast (Default 125)
ssjgohan_radius 300 //Radius of the damage (Default 300)
ssjgohan_cooldown 30 //Seconds til next available use from power explode (Default 30)
ssjgohan_powerspeed 1000 //Speed of Kamehameha, min-500 max-2000 (Default 1000)
ssjgohan_blast_decals 1 //Show the burn decals from blast (Default 1)

//Grim Reaper
grimreaper_level 0
grimreaper_knifemult 10.0 //Multiplier for knife damage (Default 10.0)
grimreaper_alpha 60 //Grim Reaper's invisibility (Default 60)
grimreaper_gravity 0.25 //Precent of normal gravity (Default 0.25)

penguin_level 0
penguin_grenademult 1.0 //Damage multiplyer, 1.0 = no xtra dmg (def 1.0)
penguin_grenadetimer 30.0 //How many seconds delay for new grenade after nade is thrown (def 30.0)
penguin_cooldown 120.0 //How many seconds until penguin grenade can be used again (def 120.0)
penguin_fuse 5.0 //Length of time Penguin grenades can seek for before blowing up (def 5.0)
penguin_nadespeed 900 //Speed of Penguin grenades when seeking (def 900)

thor_level 8
thor_pctofdmg 75 //Percent of Damage Taken that is dealt back at your attacker (def 75%)
thor_cooldown 45 //Amount of time before next available use (def 45)

casper_level 8
casper_health 50 //Max amount of Health when in Ghost mode (Default 50)
casper_armor 25 //Max amount of Armor when in Ghost mode (Default 25)
casper_stuckcheck 1 //Kill user if stuck in wall/ground after noclip, 0=no 1=yes (Default 1)

//Cola Lover
cola_level 9
cola_health 700 //Starting Health (default is 700)
cola_speed 500 //Running Speed (default is 500)

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